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Strengthening Voices: Exploring Vocal Cord Adduction Exercises and the CTAR Method for Parkinson's Disease

n the realm of Parkinson's disease (PD), challenges extend beyond the realm of motor control. Speech and voice difficulties are common, affecting communication and quality of life. However, amidst these struggles, hope emerges in the form of vocal cord adduction exercises. In particular, the Chin Tuck Against Resistance (CTAR) exercise stands out as a promising technique to empower individuals with PD to reclaim their voices. The PhagiaFlex device is a flexible Z shaped tool that was specifically designed to optimize the CTAR exercise. Let's delve into the significance of vocal cord adduction exercises, the impact of PD on voice, and how the CTAR exercise offers a beacon of hope.

Understanding Vocal Cord Adduction Exercises:

Vocal cord adduction, the process of bringing the vocal cords together, is crucial for…


In the realm of Parkinson's disease (PD), challenges extend beyond the realm of motor control. Speech and voice difficulties are common, affecting communication and quality of life. However, amidst these struggles, hope emerges in the form of vocal cord adduction exercises. In particular, the Chin Tuck Against Resistance (CTAR) exercise stands out as a promising technique to empower individuals with PD to reclaim their voices. The PhagiaFlex device is a flexible Z shaped tool that was specifically designed to optimize the CTAR exercise. Let's delve into the significance of vocal cord adduction exercises, the impact of PD on voice, and how the CTAR exercise offers a beacon of hope.

Understanding Vocal Cord Adduction Exercises:

Vocal cord adduction, the process of bringing the vocal cords together, is crucial for producing clear, resonant sounds. However, in PD, this function often diminishes, leading to soft, breathy speech. Vocal cord adduction exercises aim to address this issue by strengthening the muscles involved in vocal production. These exercises typically involve targeted techniques to enhance vocal cord closure, improve breath support, and promote vocal resonance.

The Impact of Parkinson's Disease on Voice:

Parkinson's disease is a complex neurological condition that affects movement, including the muscles involved in speech and voice production. Individuals with PD often experience voice changes such as reduced loudness, monotone speech, and difficulty articulating words. These changes can significantly impact communication, leading to frustration and social isolation.

Enter the CTAR Exercise:

The CTAR exercise, short for Chin Tuck Against Resistance, is gaining recognition as a valuable tool in speech therapy for PD. This exercise specifically targets vocal cord adduction while incorporating resistance training to strengthen the muscles involved in speech production. Here's how it works:

1. Begin by sitting comfortably with good posture, ears over your shoulders, chin slightly elevated.

2. Place a resistance device, such as the PhagiaFlex CTAR device, or a rolled up towel, a small ball, or your hand can work also. Place the device under your chin, and apply gentle, consistent pressure upwards.

3. Then, slowly and gently nod your head downward, pressing your chin down against the resistance of the CTAR device, while maintaining good posture.

4. Hold the chin tuck position against resistance for 30 seconds and vocalize while holding. Singing musical scales or holding out an extended “ahhhhhh” or even just singing or talking are all good options to press the vocal cords together while in a chin tuck against resistance hold.

5. Then slowly return to the starting position, resisting the upward pressure of the resistance device, by going slowly. Repeat this process many times, until your suprahyoid muscles (the muscles under your chin) feel fatigued.

6. Rest, and then repeat.

Benefits of the CTAR Exercise for Parkinson's Disease:

The CTAR exercise offers a range of benefits for individuals with PD who are experiencing voice difficulties:

1. Improved Vocal Cord Closure: By targeting vocal cord adduction, the CTAR exercise helps to improve vocal cord closure, leading to clearer and more resonant speech.

2. Muscle Strengthening: The resistance aspect of the exercise strengthens the muscles involved in speech production, enhancing overall vocal control and stability.

3. Increased Vocal Projection: With regular practice, individuals often experience improvements in vocal loudness and projection, making communication easier and more effective.

4. Enhanced Swallowing Function: The CTAR exercise can also have secondary benefits for swallowing function, helping to improve coordination and strength in the muscles involved in swallowing.


In the journey of living with Parkinson's disease, maintaining effective communication is paramount. Vocal cord adduction exercises, such as the CTAR exercise, offer a ray of hope for individuals experiencing voice difficulties. By incorporating these exercises into a comprehensive treatment plan, individuals can strengthen their voices, improve communication, and enhance their quality of life. Together, let's continue to explore innovative approaches to support those living with Parkinson's disease on their path to vocal empowerment.

Visit for more information and illustrated instructions on the CTAR exercise.

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